How BIG?

 BabyFruit Ticker

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Photo Shoot...

Oh How I just love taking her picture... She is just perfect (except she does not sleep :)

Having Fun with my Grampa & Jammie

Oh How I miss my grampa and Jammie! I woke up the other day and looked all arung the house and could not find them anywhere! Then my mommy told me the bad news, they had went home! I can't wait until they come back again!


Going to the the zoo!

While my Grampa and Jammie were in town I went to the zoo for the first time! My mommy and daddy bought a pass so that I can go this summer as many times as I want!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Yesterday was Soley's first Valentines Day, and I have to say she was the cutest little Valentine out there! Here are a few pictures of the day, my favorite is Jon giving Soley her Valentines Day gift. Thank you Jammie for all my clothes, and thank you RaRi for my gift card! This was Soley's first Balloon, and she screamed and giggled all day with this!


I was getting the sheets ready for Jon's parents this weekend, and Soley looked so pretty I thought that I would take a few pictures of her.

Playing with Laney...

My friend Laney came to visit me the other day, I had so much fun playing with her. She was dressed so cute with her boots and vest on, with all the layers and accessories! I miss you Laney.


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sick baby...

I just wanted to let everyone know why I have not been posting, and have you put Soley in your prayers. She has been very sick, and continues to get a little better each day, but the doctor said she would get worse before better. On Sunday morning, she woke up very ill, she appeared to have a very bad cold, and running a fever. So on Monday morning, I called the doctors office before they opened to take her in, and of course like always they are so nice, and I was able to bring her in before the office even opened to be seen! A huge shout out to East End Pediatrics, anyone who needs a pediatrician would be crazy to not go there. Any-whoo, after two hours of prodding and poking, swabbing and finger sticks, she has RSV, a respiratory bug that usually goes around daycares (not sure where Soley would have picked it up) but she did. Her blood count was also high so the doctor wanted to rule out a bacteria infection in her lungs so we then proceeded to the children's hospital here to get that taken care of. I am happy to say that it was all clear. So now we just use the nebulizer with her three times a day (they gave her an injection of something to help at the docs office). Hopefully this will not last too long, as this is hard on mommy and daddy too! She is not getting much sleep (not that different from the norm, but hard when you are sick) and she has been so fussy. poor girl just feels so bad. When she starts to get upset or hurts, she cries out MAMAMAMA and it's the cutest thing I have ever heard. Thanks in advance for all your prayers.

(this was a picture of Soley Monday morning on the way to the doctor, how sweet does she look. Poor girl!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Brushing my hair...

I know what you are thinking... What hair??? She is just practicing... and hoping and praying!!!

I was doing whatever I could to entertain her while I changed the sheets in the guest room!

Fun in a basket..