How BIG?

 BabyFruit Ticker

Monday, October 29, 2012

Picking Pumpkins

We also went earlier in the week to pick pumpkins.  Can you tell that I really like the fall? There is something about picking and carving pumpkins that I love, and hope to pass on to Soley!  There is a local church that sells these pumpkins that we have been going to for a few years, so we headed up to pick a few pumpkins to paint and carve. Soley had a great time.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Pumpkin Picking...

Today we went out to the pumpkin patch! I look forward to doing this every year with Soley and Jon.  It's been a tradition for Jon to take me pumpkin picking for my birthday but we went here last year with some friends so we thought we would head back again.  It was well worth it, the weather was a bit chilly, well actually A LOT, but we still had a amazing time! Thanks so much to my wonderful husband for such a awesome day! Enjoy this video!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Yew Dell Gardens..

Soley and I have been going to story time since she was about 7 months old, and we LOVE it! The library that story time is held at put on a halloween trick or treat today with a place called Yew Dell Gardens, and we decided to go! I knew that Soley would get to wear her costume and also would love trick or treating! We had so much fun and were able to meet up with a few friends. Hope your having a great day!  We are looking forward to the week ahead, Jon's parents are coming in town! We can't wait to see them! Enjoy the photos! How cute is our Minnie Mouse? I think the is the prettiest little girl in the  WHOLE world!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Soley like most kids LOVES to sing songs! I have been meaning to record her singing for the past few months but have not got around to it! Enjoy the videos below of her singing some of her favorite songs!

ABC's, Five little monkeys jumping on the bed, Our God is Greater ( Chris Tomlin)
She really wanted us to clap for her!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Fall Art Project

I have been working hard on doing "School" with Soley in the morning each day.  We usually only do it about 3 days a week because of her classes that we take.  I finally got a new camera for my birthday!!!!! I have been wanting a dSLR for so long but we did not want to take the plunge.  I got a wonderful camera from my inlays 2 years ago and it was working great until it broke and it was going to be more then half the price of the cost of it to fix it so we decided to get a new one.  Also because I don't have a iphone anymore I have not had anything to take pictures of! Well thats all about to change! Get ready for tons of pictures to come!
    Anyways, here is a few pictures from our school today.  We went outside this morning, with our baby in our stroller and collected leaves on a walk for our project today.  We then colored over top of the leaves to make a print of them.  We also made leaf men and women, and did our color of the day worksheets, BLUE!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

First Recital

This is Soley's second time around in dance class, each class is 30 min long and goes for about 10 weeks.  She absolutely loves it, and I just love how cute they are!!! So today was Soley's first dance recital! I was so excited for this day to come! We have had a very busy weekend Soley was the flower girl in a wedding yesterday (more to come on this) and did this today! I was not sure how she was going to do but I think she did amazing! Her teacher's name is Mrs. Audra and she is amazing! She is so sweet and kind with the kids, and Soley LOVES her! Soley got a little caught up in watching her friend Evie, but I think she did great! Hope you enjoy!

Do we look alike?

My mom always says that Soley looks like me when I was little, but none of us really believed her.  My grandfather passed away recently and we were bringing out old photos to put on a bulletin board for the funeral, and we came across these, what do you think? My vote is yes we look alike just me with dark hair and dark skin.  Soley is so fair with blond hair but i see it!! I just love this little girl! (the picture of Soley is from a long time ago, but I wanted to find one where we were about the same age in the same position!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

BFF Weekend...

This weekend we are keeping Soley's Best friend Olivia (Eia- what they call her).  Her parents went to Florida on friday to buy a house, they are moving there Dec. 1st.  Olivia's daddy is a interventional Radiologist and got a new job there! So they had yet to go down and look for a house to buy yet, so they asked us to watch Olivia for the weekend and we were excited! I think Soley was the most! Every morning when she gets up she asks, "is Olivia still here?"  Here are a few pics from there adventures this weekend, her parents get home late tonight, we are going to miss you little girl! Hope you guys had a great weekend! The girls are only 3 weeks apart and met when they were 7 months old! They call each other best friend! We have a busy week ahead! My birthday this week, a wedding, and Soley's first dance recital!!!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Birthday Party and Great Great Granny Spencer!

This week we went to All About Kids for Open Gym to celebrate Amelia's 2nd Birthday! The girls had a blast and we are so thankful for our friends! Happy Birthday big girl!!!  We also went out to eat with Soley's Great Great Granny, my Great Granny! I know crazy she is 96 years old and still going strong!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

What kid does not love the park!

Soley loves going to the park, and it's a free outing so we love it too!  She loves the curly slides and the tube slides! Enjoy off to "big church" as soley calls it!