How BIG?

 BabyFruit Ticker

Friday, May 31, 2013

Happy 29th DADDY!

Jon had his 29th birthday this past weekend and we had a blast.  Soley and I made this cake for Jon from scratch! It was a homemade chocolate cake, with homemade buttercream icing. Soley loves to bake so we spent a long time making this.  Soley loves anything sweet!  We made Jon breakfast in the morning, and also took him to the driving range.  We met with my parents and they treated him to a nice steak dinner! What a fun day, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Jonathan, LOVE YOU!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Making Room...

So we are still waiting on our approval phone call, which will still probably be a while, but we are trying to make the changes that we can to prepare...  This room below was our school room, it's now going to be the new baby/big kid room. We are going to paint it a light gray color, and Jon is going to refinish the dresser below in a dark gray with new handles.  We will then either use our old crib or buy a new big kid bed which ever we will need.  We will accent the room with a deep bright pink if it's a girl and a yellow if it's a boy.  We want to try and keep the color to accent so if we end up just fostering and not adopting we can be ready to change to the other gender if needed.  I have not thought about the curtains but we will find something cool! Oh so hard to decorate when you don't know the gender or age!!! (Our school room is now in the basement)

New school room! I think it turned out good! I moved everything you see here down two flights of stairs!

Just wanted to post this pic of our monitor of Jon with Soley getting her to sleep, SO SWEET!

Papa was in town this week visiting, we went to Mark's Feed Store and they both had a blast!

Have a great weekend! My sweet hubby turns 29 this weekend! He is getting old, I'm still younger!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Shoe, Shoes, and more Shoes!

Since Soley was a a tiny baby she has loved shoes! I can take her out anywhere and if there is shoes she will sit and try them on for hours! She is always talking about peoples shoes and wanting new shoes! So we went to the mall with my mom this weekend, she needed some new shoes, So Soley tried on all the shoes in the store! Everyone kept stopping and talking to her about how cute she was!

These were my favorite! Would be really cute but I'm way to tall to wear a heal like that!

Jon had to work the entire weekend, poor guy! So went spent almost the entire day at the science center! Soley really enjoyed building a tower on the light table.

Seeing her first IMAX/MOVIE ever! Soley has never seen a movie so this was a treat! Reason being there is no movie out that I have found that kids can watch! They all have such bad stuff in it! Let me know if you know some that are good movies!  The IMAX was about rescued Elephants and Orangoutangs!  It was really cute!

Have a great week!

Thursday, May 16, 2013


I was getting a lock for a tool box, to hold our medicine for our 2nd part to our home study on Tue! (yes we are all done, now we just wait to be approved!!! Could be three weeks or three months!)  Anyways, and I ran into these little baskets with the checkered paper (Soley says it's like Mickey Mouse, must be some checked thing on Mickey?)  I thought that should would love using her grill and hotdogs and hamburgers and pretend to be fixing peoples orders! Worked like a charm! 

These pictures are kinda random, but from Jon's home show way back in Feb but I never scanned them in, and I just ended up seeing them tonight, so I just took a picture of them on my iphone and uploaded them.  It's from a photo booth that they had set up at the home show, she loved it, and as you can tell got the hang of it pretty quickly! 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Zoo, Painting and Runny Eggs!

Soley playing in the bus at the zoo! We had a amazing time last week at the zoo, we got there at 10 am, and left at 2! Soley had a really good time! I'm excited to go back again, we packed our lunch and ate along the way and it worked out great!

Soley was painting a picture for her daddy to hang outside when he got home to congratulate him on passing his real-estate test! 

Doing preschool, we made these during our craft time and went on a rainforest adventure!

Helping me make dinner, pealing carrots! 

Making runny egg's for breakfast, letting her flip her own egg...

Don't worry we put this one in the trash!

Took this on mothers day in the car, just a reminder of how amazing God is! 

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Annie... Recital #2, and she's not even three yet!

Our little Annie! I can't tell you how excited that I am to be Soley's mom! She is so smart and so talented! Soley had her second dance recital today, she performed Annie!  She did AMAZING! She was so good at actually remember the dance and only got off track a few times! Soley is the youngest in her class by 7-12 months! All the girls are 3 1/2 and a bunch are 4! I took a few pictures before we left the house, and a few afterwords, and the actual dance is below on a video, you have to watch it, it will melt your heart! I think she did amazing, Soley had her first recital at 2 and her second one month before she turned 3! She is so sweet and I love how hard she works!

(Soley is the last one on the right)

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Crazier things have happened, derby parade, Derby Party and Grayson...

Lets start out with crazier things have happened... It's 9:00 and my husband and daughter are both sleeping... What's up with that? Soley got up this morning at 7:30 and just decided that she was going to skip her nap, so she went to bed at 8:30, and poor Jon worked until 2 am last night, so he is in bed too! So what's a girl supposed to do? I guess catch up on my blog. So here we go!

Derby Parade...

We went to the Derby parade with some friends last week, it was a blast! Soley had so much fun! Besides the fact that she did not take a nap and stayed up until 11, she had so much Fun.  Soley LOVES playing with big kids, she cared nothing about playing with children her age, so she was in heaven playing with Issi and her friends.

Only negitive to the parade was that it lasted forever! It started about 5:30 and when we left at 7:30 it was still going! Crazy, I kept thinking seriously? Please stop coming! I want to go home! After the parade we all went out to eat pizza at boombaz it was a great day!

Derby Party..

Our good friends Dan and Sherri had us over for a Derby party as usual Sherri went all out and made Hot browns, Derby Pie and Mint Juleps. (She also made Mint lemonade, it was so good! That what I had)

Here are Soley and Rolfe, they are so cute!

Sherri also had cookies for the kids to decorate (horses) they had so much fun, and we thought this would make a cute picture and it sure did! How cute are these two together? 

Random... On a side note, if your kids like play-dough (soley LOVES IT) there is a new type of play-dough called play-dough plus! It's very soft and airy and smells really good! It came with Soley's bakery set, it's supposed to look like fondant and make icing, see below! Crazy look how cool it is! HAHA can you tell I stay at home all day with a 2 year old! Still pretty cool!

Last but not least... GRAYSON! My best friend Ilana who moved to Flordia last winter had her little boy yesterday, he is so sweet and cute and looks just like his daddy! I cried when they sent me his picture, I wish so bad that I could be there to meet him and be with them.  Before they moved last December we spent everyday together, our girls are best friends. Ilana always would hang out with me on the weekends while Jon was working because she knew how lonely I get! We miss you guys and can't wait to see Grayson, we love you and wish you were here!

P.S. I'm not proof reading tonight, not like it really helps, I'm the worst at grammar and spelling! Night!

P.P.S We had our home study last Friday, and we have our second visit next week! After that a few weeks to get approved and then we are on the waiting list! We can't wait to welcome who ever God has in store for us!