I can't believe it, but YES SOLEY WENT TO PRESCHOOL THIS MORNING! She loved it, she was a little nervous at first but, I left and told her if she needed me to just let her teacher know and I would be there in just a few seconds! After I left her at her classroom I went back to a room that they had set up for parents who wanted to stay a bit while there child was adjusting and stayed there for about a hour. I cried pretty much the entire hour just worried sick about her (I was the only one in the room!), but they came back every 10 min to let me know that she was doing amazing. So after a hour I headed home and cleaned my house to stay busy. When I went to pick Soley up she was smiling and going on and on about the Peacock she made, and how much fun she had! Her teacher said she did great and never once asked or cried for me!
I honestly can say that I am in totally shock! I never expected it to go this well! I can't thank everyone enough who was praying for Soley! I thank God so much for helping me and Soley through this experience. I am anxious to see how next week goes, normally she will go two days a week but because this was the first week they just go one day. I know it might be hard next week for her and I but I have hope that we can get though it! Soley of course told me everything about everyone! She knows when someone gets in trouble and for what and is such a girl! She told me the boy with the blond curly hair was not being nice to her on the playground and was telling her what to do. She said that she told him NO THANK YOU my mommy and daddy make the rules not you. LOL, well way to go Soley! She also said she played with Ava and Emma, again I have not met the kids just there parents at open house but sounds like we are off to a good start. Praise the Lord for he is GOOD! Thank you LORD!