So we started the Elf on the shelf this year and two things.... One, soley Loves it and believes every min of it. Two, it's so much work!!! But fun :)
This is our first three days with our Elf, sparkle. Yes she is a girly girl! Can't wait to share with you what else Sparkle our elf does for the next 19 days! So part of the Elf is that you can't touch her or she will loose her magic. So the other day Soley was telling my mom all about her and said... Rari (my mom) you can't touch her or she will loose her magic and when she is flying back to the north poll she will fall right out of the sky. Lol she is too funny!
So today we got quite a bit of snow, so much fun for kids! So we decided to make snow cream for the first time. Soley had a blast!
And with all that snow it was so fitting to put up a chriatmas tree. This year we decided to go with a real tree. I thought it would be fun and easy, boy was I wrong they are a ton of work! But we finally got it up after all our nice ortaments were broken by our 3 year old and the fact that the tree fell down 3 times. But it looks good and Soley had a blast. She put every ornament on and was so proud. I love seeing her feel like she accomplished something and is so proud of herself. And she put the star on top!