Humm... I don't know, maybe to three adorable little kids, and a pregnant mommy! Poor Jon he is on the outs these days as we are all so tired when the days comes to an end. I put the kids down for bed and then go straight to my room and don't get up until morning! Oh well! These are the days right???
What's been going on? Well I'm not really sure where to start to here we go...
Canada- Yes we took three kids to Canada in the Car for a 13 hour drive, yes we are insane. Both Soley and Jalen did amazing, but our sweet Mya had the ride of her life! She pretty much cried the entire time, minus the thirty minutes that she slept. It was bad, but we made it there, and back home all in one piece and we thank the GOOD LORD! While in Canada the kids had a great time, Soley of course had the most fun. She is so attached to Jon's parents that she would stay with them forever I think! We went to the beach several days, Soley fished almost every day and we were able to see lots of Family that had never met the babies and we had not seen for over a year. All of the kids slept really well, except for Mya (starting to see a pattern?). Mya did not do well sleeping she was up all night long, would not go to bed until after midnight and would be up before 6am. It made for a rough few days, but luckily Jon and took turns and his parents helped out too!
Soley playing at the beach!
Since we returend we have been busy with having our house on the market, getting ready for school, and all our activities! The kids have enjoyed doing music class together and we have been hitting up a lot of open gyms and parks!
Soley- Soley is growing like a weed! She is still tall and thin, but it more beautiful then ever! She is so thoughtful and cares so much about her brother and sister. Now don't get me wrong she has her moments, but as we will be approaching the one year mark of having the babies in just a few short weeks, the growth I have seen in this little girl is amazing! I pray every day that she is learning from us to be a servant of the Lord and that taking in these babies is something that we can do to show our commitment to being a servant and follower of Christ! Soley has started Soccer at our church about a week ago, she is loving it. She is on a team with our friends and I am helping coach with his father. It's so sweet to see her all dressed up as it reminds me of being a little girl. I don't know that soccer is going to be her sport as she loves ballet and asks daily to be a cheerleader but I am totally fine with that! I love that she is a girly girl! Soley will be starting school next week and I am so nervous for her! Even though she is in pre-k it's still a big girl school and she will be wearing a uniform and all! She will go three half days a week! She is still into playing with her baby dolls and barbies! She loves to be outside and ride her bike!

Jalen- Our sweet little boy is coming so far! Some days I look at him and think he looks so old, and is loosing his baby look! Jalen started school this week, and he had a rough first day, but a better second day! I am hoping that it only better from here on out! He has three teachers in his room and he also goes three days a week for three hours each day! Jalen is still in speech and OT, and we have a family therapist that comes once a week. He is becoming more attached to all of us and more affectionate! His case is still in the early stages of TPR, if everything goes well he could possibly get a trial by the end of the year, but you just never know! So we will continue to pray!

Mya- Our little peanut is WALKING! Yes she is walking everywhere! even know she is 15 months now, she still looks like a 10month old. She will really just melt your heart by looking at her! Her hair is growing longer and is so curly, its so cute! She is still in the 2nd percentiles, but she is growing bigger every day. She can say, please thank you, mama, daddy, sissy, baby, and a few other words. She is still doing speech but was dismissed from all other therapy! She will be at home with me and the baby when he/she comes. Mya's case is still so up in the air I have no info to report because I don't understand anything at this point. I'm hopeful to know more by the end of the year, if Mya is still in our care at that point.

Baby #4- Is growing a ton, because as of 13 weeks I had already gained 5 pounds! I'm still not in maternity things, but don't fit great in my stuff, lol it's a bad stage! We find out the gender on Sep 3rd, and will be looking to nail down a name soon after as every one knows I can't wait to do anything and have a manic personality! Jon and I have one girl name that we both like, but that's it. So it's going to be hard! Feb 11th, 2015 is that due date :) so about 6 months to go!