How BIG?

 BabyFruit Ticker

Monday, February 1, 2010


About two days ago, Soley kicked for the first time! I was not sure if I was right, so I called my friend Sherri who's little boy is about to turn 1 and asked her. She said it sounds just like it. Since then she has kicked many times each day. She is sitting very low, and the kicks are not that strong but last night Jon was able to feel her for the first time. Usually they are not strong enough and he can't feel anything, but last night I had him run over and feel because she was kicking pretty strong! He was able to feel 2 of them! I have to admit it freaked me out a little bit, but it is nice to be able to feel something so that you know she is doing all right in there.

1 comment:

Mma said...

Megan, you certainly have given us some wonderful updates to read and enjoy. I, as one of Soley's great-great aunts, am glad to hear how well you are all doing. You were just beaming with love and joy when I saw you at Erin's birthday party. Stay well and enjoy every moment of your pregnancy until the day you get to hold Soley in your arms. There is nothing like motherhood! Love, Aunt Ruth