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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Ultra Sound #2

We went to the doctor this week for our second ultra sound. Everything went perfect. They were checking to make sure her little heart was okay. We were able to get a little bit of a profile picture, it was so clear on the screen when we were looking at it, but when it's printed it's a little harder to see. I will attempt to post them, we will see if they show up :) Soley weighed in at one pound 7 ounces. She is getting bigger along with my belly!


Mma said...

What wonderful news to know that Soley is growing and doing so well. I can "read" the joy in your hearts.

Samantha said...

I'm voting for a picture of Mommy-to-Be and her cute little belly.

Karalee said...

i think we're all ready for an update! :)