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 BabyFruit Ticker

Friday, January 7, 2011

Still posting from Christmas...

I am thanking RaRi and Poppi for my swim classes that they gave me on Christmas Morning! Thanks for this guys, I can't wait!
This picture is for Sam, bring back memories?
This is a shout out to one of our most loyal blog readers! Soley had so much fun with AUnt Kathy in Canada. I believe that Kathy held her for almost the entire night, Soley just fell in love with her. Kathy has a new grand baby, so not sure Soley will be getting the same attention next visit, but I know she enjoyed this past one!
Soley is SO lucky to have her Jammie! Just look below at all the wonderful things she got her for Christmas, this does not even include the bag of toys we brought home! Jammie and Gampa are supposed to be coming to visit soon, Soley can hardly wait.

1 comment:

Mma said...

Looks like Jammie knows how to shop for a little girl...lucky'll be right in style!
Also, I've not seen a gumdrop tree in YEARS...over 40 I think. My college roommate had one and it was a real hit with everyone! For one thing you never knew what was going to end up on the tree. Enjoy!