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Sunday, April 17, 2011

I am a horrible Sister in Law...

Ok so I am posting this because I am too embarrassed to actually call my SIL and tell her sorry! Ever since I had Soley I have been all over the place but this week I forgot to call her on her birthday!! Sam I am SO SO SO SORRY!!! Please forgive me... I just can't believe I did this!!! I wanted to say a few things about her as a birthday gift ( obviously belated )

1.) She is the best SIL anyone could ask for
2.) She never has said anything to me about being a crazy neurotic mom, even though I harassed her all the time.
3.) She will help you out with anything you need at anytime
4.) She is the first person I call when I need to talk about something (after my hubby of course)
5.) I am so thankful for her everyday
6.) She really is my best girl friend

Sam, I love you so much! Happy Birthday!


Samantha said...

Well, it's about time you said Happy Birthday! Just kidding. I feel so blessed that you are my sister-in-law. You help me stay sane in this family.

If the worst thing you ever do is forget to call me on my birthday, I will be a grateful girl.!

Neurotic? You don't get any grief from me, because we are two peas in a crazy pod. I'm glad I held out for an extra three years, five months and a few days for you to finally figure out how smart I was. Haha.

You are too precious. I love you too.

Mma said...

This sounds like a mutual admiration society...through thick and thin you'll always be my friend...that should be included in the definitions of a SIL!

Autism Mom Rising said...

Happy Birthday Sam! Late.