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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Talking... (forgot to add the video!!!)

Soley has started babbling so much! Today she was talking out the window for a long time, it was so cute!


Samantha said...

Lilly Kate was really excited that Soley was "talking" to her on the phone yesterday.

Mma said...

Don't you just love it...wait until Soley and her little friends get together and babble back and forth...make sure you have a recording ready to go for that one!

Autism Mom Rising said...

That is exciting when they start talking. Alex said his first word at 8 months and it was amazing. Enjoy!

Mma said...

The video and sound certainly gives a fuller picture of Soley's conversation out her window...go Soley and let the neighborhood know that you are looking out for everyone...queen of the neighborhood watch!

Samantha said...

You are funny Aunt Ruth!