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 BabyFruit Ticker

Thursday, November 1, 2012

This is REAL LOVE..

Jon's parents are in town visiting this weekend, and Soley could not be MORE excited! Jon's parents live in Canada so we don't get to see them as much as we would like but when we do, we LOVE it! I have to admit that I love seeing them, but I also enjoy the date nights that we get, and the cooking! You see Jon's mom takes over the kitchen department when they come in town shopping and all, and I could not be more happy!
Soley is so in LOVE with these two people! Jon's dad (Papa) plays with Soley from the second that she wakes until she lays her head down (12pm, ya i know! She stayed up that late the last two nights!)  Jon's mom (Gigi) always does the fun games with her (marching band, yes marching around the house like a silly willy!)
You guys are a gift from God, you have taught us so much about being parents, and a christ follower!
Thank you guys so much for coming down so often, we LOVE YOU!

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