How BIG?

 BabyFruit Ticker

Saturday, February 2, 2013


We woke up with morning with tons more snow! Well like two inches, but thats a ton for us.  Soley was so EXCITED she love the snow (must be the canadian in her, eh). Soley was so excited that frosty had come back from the north pole! This morning I said look outside you won't believe who is back... She said SANTA!!! Anyways,  Jon is working and I can't seem to get the snow to stick together to make a frosty so we settled for snow castles. She enjoyed it anyways, hoping Jon can bring Frosty to life when he gets home.

I also wanted to show soley in her Cinderella steel! Got it on clearance for $6, shirt and vest.  She loves Cinderella even know she has never seen anything related to it. She calls her Cinderelley.

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