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Saturday, May 11, 2013

Annie... Recital #2, and she's not even three yet!

Our little Annie! I can't tell you how excited that I am to be Soley's mom! She is so smart and so talented! Soley had her second dance recital today, she performed Annie!  She did AMAZING! She was so good at actually remember the dance and only got off track a few times! Soley is the youngest in her class by 7-12 months! All the girls are 3 1/2 and a bunch are 4! I took a few pictures before we left the house, and a few afterwords, and the actual dance is below on a video, you have to watch it, it will melt your heart! I think she did amazing, Soley had her first recital at 2 and her second one month before she turned 3! She is so sweet and I love how hard she works!

(Soley is the last one on the right)


The Hughes Family said...

What a great video! Soley looks so sweet!

Kara said...

Aww! Love it! Amelia said she did so good!

Anonymous said...

Brittany, thanks so much! Can't wait to find out on monday!!!

Kara, Amelia is so sweet, hope to get with you guys this week :)