How BIG?

 BabyFruit Ticker

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


The days and weeks seem to fly by around here, and I'm sure at your place too! Life in some areas seems to be moving so fast and in others so slow! The next few weeks are going to be busy around here and My brother and sis in law get in town tonight with their two kiddos (Soley is so excited to see Lilly Kate, she loves every min that they get to spend together!) Jalen does not really understand that they are coming in town but he will be excited to see Isaac as they are just a few weeks apart. They day that they all depart my father in law comes in town to help finish all the stuff around the house so that we can get it up on the market to sell! He will be in town for a week and then one of my best friends is coming in town with her little girl who is Soley's best friend and they will be staying with us for a few days! This might sound like a lot to most people but I am so excited for all the company as I am a people person and hate being alone and love having someone to do something with!

Daddy come out!!!

Does every sister brush their brothers teeth?

I know you are thinking where do your grocerys go? 

Ready for church

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