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 BabyFruit Ticker

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The cutest swim suit model you have ever seen!

We are all ready for our swim class, we just need the pool!
We start our class next week, but we have a big dilemma! We don't know what bathing suit we should wear on the first day? Please help us out and cast your vote on the poll to the right! Thanks in advance!


The Hughes Family said...

I cannot vote- they are both soooo adorable!!! I cannot wait to hear how swim lessons go!

Mma said...

I'm just amazed that you were able to fit a swim diaper under the two piece suit!!!! Let us know how the first class goes...can't wait to see the pictures.

Samantha said...

You know I am partial to one pieces, but oh how cute that zebra print is.