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Friday, November 2, 2012

Flower Girl...

 Soley was a flower girl for the first time this october in my cousins wedding! I was so excited when Samantha ask her and I to be in the wedding.  I was not sure if Soley would walk down but she did AMAZING!  It brings me so much joy to see Soley growing up, I want her to stay little forever, but she is so sweet and innocent and a perfect child of God and I enjoy watching her have fun each and every day!  After the wedding we headed to the reception which was so much fun! We all know that Soley never sleeps but she stayed on the dance floor until 11pm! She had so much fun and so did we! We are so thankful to have such a wonderful family and pray that God gives Justin and Samantha a long and healthy marriage! As far as video from the ceremony and wedding we had a few issues with Cameras and photos, so I have a video of her walking down but its broken into a few five second clips, you can see how well she did, and how beautiful she was!