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Monday, December 10, 2012

Make up & Ginger Bread Houses...

So sometimes it's fun to let our little ones go ALL out on something CRAZY and fun, like... MAKEUP! I was not allowed to wear make up until I was in the 10th grade, I'm not sure what Soley will be doing when she gets older but she always asks to play with my make up, and I usually let her just pretend but I decided one day to let her go at it, and boy did she have fun! 

One of my good friends invited Soley to a Ginger Bread House Making PARTY! I can't tell you how cute she made it look! It was like something out of a magazine, Soley had a blast and her house looked amazing, I toady wanted to help her and make one too but I wanted her to do it all by her self! I think that she did so good! Sherri even made a lactose free icing for Soley so she could lick her fingers while making this! On a side note there was some green glitter icing that soley LOVED! (what girl does not love anything glitter :)  Some of it got on her face and I did not see it and by the time I wiped it off her face was all broken out, it's just crazy to me how sensitive her body is to dairy!

Yes my blog is snowing! How cool :)

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