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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Putting up the Christmas decorations!

It's been a while since we put these up but I forgot to blog about it! Soley had a blast putting these up this year! She loved putting up the stuff on the tree! We have done a few art Christmas projects to stay busy around here.  We made a gumdrop wreath, and a poster for our front door that reads, "happy birthday JESUS!" Christmas time is so much fun for Children and Adults! I can't tell you how excited I am for Soley to open her presents and See what Santa has left her.  I get so much joy out of seeing her excited! It's nothing that you can explain! I could not be more proud of this little girl! At Sunday School (children's church)  she knew the whole story of Jesus; birth when we were asking the kids questions, it was really neat to see her as a light to the other children! 

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