How BIG?

 BabyFruit Ticker

Monday, November 29, 2010

Random Pics

So I finally got a new camera (thanks in-laws!!!) Hopefully you will enjoy all the new photos to come!!


Thanks for my top Aunt Donna, it look so pretty on me!!!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Canada here we come!

Soley tried on her winter clothes for Canada this afternoon, she is ready for the cold! We are going to Canada for christmas this year...

Soley With Santa

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Another Play date with my buddy...

Brayden has some really cool toys! Thanks for letting me play!

Having so much fun at my buddy Brayden's house!

We were trying to get a pic to show the size difference, Soley weighs 12 pounds, Brayden 22!

Rolling over!

Friday, November 12, 2010

PLAY DATE ( With a boy)

My Friend Brayden!

Soley had a play date today at her house, with her friend Brayden. Brayden is just two weeks older then Soley, but is a tad bit bigger then her! We don't know who had more fun the babies or the mommies!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Have you ever seen something as cute as this?

Playing in her Jennie Jump up

Soley is still a little small for this, she can't jump, but likes to stand and swing around! Thanks for letting us use this Gina, you are so sweet!

Playing with Gampa and Jammie

Soley had really enjoyed digging through the halloween candy bowl and chewing on all the leftover treats.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Late nights with mom...

Mommy and Soley playing VERY late at night :) While dad is out playing hockey! Sorry the pics are not that great, taken on my phone. Will get a new camera someday, daddy used up our life saving on his teeth when he had three of them knocked out at hockey :) I will say they look very good now!

Soley is kinda sitting up on her own, with some boppy help!

Pretty Pretty Princess

Soley just found her feet about a week ago, she loves to grab them!

No cavities for Soley!

Who says it's too early to start learning about dental care?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tummy Time...

Playing with my toys on my tummy, still working on rolling over, just can't figure out how to get my arm just right.