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Thursday, February 27, 2014

A fellow foster parent...

Mya's social worker sent me this message the other day... 

I know there is no question why you do this but I thought this might help you to see others are struggling like you are. ...

Click the link below and read her most recent post. It's was verbatim what I have been saying over the last almost 6 months. It dose not make the heartbreak go away but helps to know we are not alone in our feelings. All I can think is I have two little peices of Jesus in my home. Have a great day! 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Warm weather!!!

Jon is working hard on putting a bar in the basement. It's so amazing to have such a amazing handy hubby! It's coming along... 

Finally some warm weather!!! For us stay at home moms the winter it rough!!! Finally a few days of good weather. I hear the cold is on it's way agin but we will enjoy what we get! 

Friday, February 14, 2014

I will trust in you...

One of my faviorite bands is a Christan Band called Sidewalk Prophets.  They sing a song called help me find it.  I often hear this song when I am driving Mya to and from her visits with her dad. I have found my self playing this song over and over latly as I am strugugling in trusting the Lord.  Mya had a court date this week that I thought was going to a postive one as her parents have both been violating court orders and both been in legal trouble, but it turns out that the state really does not care what happens to these sweet children.  My faith was definitely shaken on this day, if I'm being completely honest.  I know that we live in such a sinful world but being exposed to it so close is so hard for me.  I just can't let go of the idea of sweet Mya returning to this horrible environment. For the last two days my body emotionally has shut down, I know that God can move mountains and I need to be still, but I'm tired and struggling. The song says...

If there is a road I should walk help me find it... (Foster Care)
If I need to be still give me peace for the moment, whatever your will, help me find it...
I'm giving you fear, and you give faith, I'm giving you doubt you give me grace
Even when it hurts, you'll have your way.

I'm searching for that peace, I know that I need to give this to God, but I'm holding on tight with one finger refusing to let go.  Even if it hurts I know it's not my way, have your way with me my king, you are all I need.

Lord Thank you so much for the opportunity to serve you and take these sweet babies into my home, please help me find the peace I need and allow me to give this to you.

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The most obedient!!

Now don't get me wrong, Soley has many toddler faults but being obedient is not one of them! She throws her temper tantrums, talks back, has a attitude and not a happy heart many of days.  But if you tell her to not to do something or to do something she obeys. This morning Soley had school and I packed her lunch and told her that in order to get her treat (1/2 a cookie) she needed to eat all her ham and strawberry's. She responded as usually, yes mam.  So after I picked Soley up from school we talked about her day and she told me that she did not eat her cookie because she did not eat all her meat. I said baby I'm so proud of you. She asked if she ate the rest of her ham when she got home could she have her half cookie. I said sure baby. After getting in the door I unpacked her lunch and found this... 

My sweet baby girl had eaten all her strawberry's and all her ham (I put a ton in there) except for one tiny peice) and her cookie was untouched. 

Thank you lord for such a obeient 3 year old. I wish that I was as obeient as her Lord. What a lesson. 

Sunday, February 2, 2014

3 times...

The laundry!!!

Like really how can three kids wear this many clothes in one week! I just finished and now I'm going to bed! 

All folded and in front of each kids door to put away tomorrow. Night!