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Monday, October 4, 2010

Weekend Pictures

This is Soley in her Pumpkin outfit that RaRa got her! Her shirt says "daddy's little pumpkin".

We finally got her letters up, I think that they look perfect!
This was Soley this weekend at the driving range, she looks so big in her hoodie, thanks Auntie Sam!

These are her bunny slippers, she wears them all the time. They were actually her cousin Lilly Kate's, Jon picked them out for her before she was born, and Sam passed them on to us!
Soley with her RaRa, so sweet!


Mma said...

Soley's the sweetest pumpkin I've seen this season!

Samantha said...

Aunt Ruth! Shame, I won't tell Lilly Kate you said that :). Though Soley is pretty stinkin' cute!

What, No pictures of the other Halloween outfit Megan?