How BIG?

 BabyFruit Ticker

Saturday, December 14, 2013


So we have been working on Soley writing her first name and today she wrote her last name for the first time. I think it looks pretty good for a three year old and using a marker board ( they are hard to write on) she did everything on there all by her self. 

The other day Soley came in the room and said mommy can you get your camera out and take some pictures of me with my babies? Lol I said sure! 

Jon took Soley outside today to build frosty. ( Jon assured me that soley put the buttons on, and that he tried to get her to move the ones that were on her scarf, lol but she insisted that is where they went. Lol ) 

1 comment:

Samantha said...

Hilarious! I just imagine Jon's conversation with her about the buttons. Love you guys.