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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The most obedient!!

Now don't get me wrong, Soley has many toddler faults but being obedient is not one of them! She throws her temper tantrums, talks back, has a attitude and not a happy heart many of days.  But if you tell her to not to do something or to do something she obeys. This morning Soley had school and I packed her lunch and told her that in order to get her treat (1/2 a cookie) she needed to eat all her ham and strawberry's. She responded as usually, yes mam.  So after I picked Soley up from school we talked about her day and she told me that she did not eat her cookie because she did not eat all her meat. I said baby I'm so proud of you. She asked if she ate the rest of her ham when she got home could she have her half cookie. I said sure baby. After getting in the door I unpacked her lunch and found this... 

My sweet baby girl had eaten all her strawberry's and all her ham (I put a ton in there) except for one tiny peice) and her cookie was untouched. 

Thank you lord for such a obeient 3 year old. I wish that I was as obeient as her Lord. What a lesson. 

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