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Saturday, April 19, 2014

Hospital Visit

Yes that's right you are reading the title right... Jalen was in the hospital! It all started this week, we were playing at all about kids while Soley took her dance class.  All the sudden Jalen started screaming and spinning in circles calling MAMA, MAMA!!! As I quickly discovered Jalen was unable to see me! It just got worse from there, to make a long story short, we drove to Kosair, and after a ton of tests we were then taken by ambulance to the Main Kosair downtown and were admitted to the hospital! It was quite an ordeal! You really take for granted being at home and having everything at your fingertips, when you have three kids and one is in the hospital and you're having to stay there full time and overnight it's tough!! In the end Jalen is healthy and fine, we had a huge scare and we were able to diagnose the problem and fix it, so that is good!

Hospital number one! Getting I.V

Ambulance ride.. FYI Sitting sideways can make you very sick! 

Hospital number 2! 

Down for the night! Yes they make the cribs look like Jail cells! 

Poor guy did so well! We were both up all night long, as they came in 5 times and twice to take blood! He really was a trooper, and even know it was not fun! I did enjoy the one on one bonding that we were able to have.  I love you sweet Jalen! 

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