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Sunday, October 14, 2012

BFF Weekend...

This weekend we are keeping Soley's Best friend Olivia (Eia- what they call her).  Her parents went to Florida on friday to buy a house, they are moving there Dec. 1st.  Olivia's daddy is a interventional Radiologist and got a new job there! So they had yet to go down and look for a house to buy yet, so they asked us to watch Olivia for the weekend and we were excited! I think Soley was the most! Every morning when she gets up she asks, "is Olivia still here?"  Here are a few pics from there adventures this weekend, her parents get home late tonight, we are going to miss you little girl! Hope you guys had a great weekend! The girls are only 3 weeks apart and met when they were 7 months old! They call each other best friend! We have a busy week ahead! My birthday this week, a wedding, and Soley's first dance recital!!!

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