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Friday, March 15, 2013

Cooking fun :)

Surprisingly Soley loves treats! HAHA, but really considering she is allergic to milk she really can't have much, so we decided to make some Rice Crispy Treats with Vegan butter.  Soley made everything her self, the only thing I did was pour out the ingredients in bowls for her to pour in.

Here she is letting the "butter" melt, siring very nicely! 

Rice Crispy cereal, and marshmallows!

Tasting the finished product :)

LOL, and below is what happens when a 2.5 year old cooks all by herself! She was stirring very fast and out flew sticky marshmallow and rice crispy all over me!!! LOL, it was so funny she was laughing and laughing! 

Eating the finished product!! YUMMY! What a good cook we have! 

Soley is showing off her new hand me downs from her big cousin Lilly Kate! Thank you Samantha!  Soley calls them down handy's, it's pretty cute!   

Dancing with Amelia at story time!

Finally, Soley and I go on Adventures when it's raining, and she loves to find worms and pick them up.  It totally freaks me out, but I keep calm on the outside and cheer her on! She actually held this poor guys for like 10 min pretending to be his mama, and petting him! LOL

Have a great weekend! 

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