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Sunday, March 3, 2013

What have we been up to?

I feel like we have had SO much going on lately, I have not had a ton of time to blog.  Here is what we have been up to this week...

Soley continues to take a private gymnastics lesson every other week with Mrs. Jill at All about kids.  Soley LOVES her and gymnastics, he favorite things are the bars and the trapeze! Her flip is coming along well!

Buying a few outfits for summer and our upcoming trip to DISNEY!!!

Soley moved to a big girl bed! Her crib converted and I made this bedding out of some of her crib bedding, looks cute!

Soley continues to take swim lessons every other week with Mrs. Amanda at All about kids! She is so sweet and Soley has learned so much! Here she is floating on her stomach with her head in the water! 

She loves to ride on this ducky float, she also enjoys going down the slide.

1 comment:

The Hughes Family said...

AUGH! I need to know more about Disney!! I cannot wait until we take Madeline! Soley will love it!!