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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Easter, better late then never...

Easter week was a blast! Jon's parents came in town the Sunday before Easter and headed home on Friday morning. (When your a pastor you always have to be home on Sundays :)  We did a ton of stuff this week, one thing that we did was make a bunny ginger bread house, Soley loves doing these.  We have only done them for Christmas but I thought this one would be a hit, and it was! 

I learned my lesson over the past two years, hot glue it together! It will be so much easier for the kids, and it will actually hold up! It's not like I'm actually going to let her eat this processed food! 

She loved putting the candy on! I did catch her eating a few pieces! 

For Easter Jon's parents and us decided to go in together and get her a big girl bike! She had out grown the little bike that we got her for her 2nd birthday.  So I will post a video of her riding, she is so good! The first day she really struggled because when you peddle backwards it stops the bike, her old bike the peddles went all the way around.  As you can tell from the video below she was SO excited! This is priceless! 

We went to a Easter Egg Hunt at all about kids! It was so much fun and Soley's cousins were in town from TN so we all went together! 

How cute is Isaac? He is so sweet! He smiles almost 24 hours a day! He is so much fun and we love him so much! Also he is only 4 months old in this pic! He is huge, and his gross motor skills are so advanced! Can't wait to see you again buddy! Oh ya kudos to my sis in law, delivered Isaac at home completely naturally, he was 10 POUNDS!!!

Lilly Kate and Soley played together the ENTIRE weekend, they were so cute together, Lilly Kate is so sweet with Soley and she just adores her. She actually pretends to be her all the time! Love you LK!


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