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 BabyFruit Ticker

Monday, July 29, 2013

Soley's New Room

We originally joined the YMCA this summer and their outdoor pool and that was going to be our plan for the summer but after a few days at the outdoor pool I soon realized that it was not for us. It was SO crowded and JCPS kids were not even out of school yet! It was like crazy over there! As for the indoor Y at Norton Commons it was great but was to expensive to just use the indoor pool! So needless to say there is a 30 day money back guarantee and we used it! So since we were going to be gone 4 weeks out of the summer I decide not to join our pool in our neighborhood and use the money to get Soley a new bed, sheets, comforted and some other stuff for her room. And I'm so glad I did! 

1 comment:

Samantha said...

Everything looks so pretty! She is getting so big.