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Thursday, March 31, 2011


Last night Soley's Skyped with all 4 grandparents!!! She is going to be such a computer whiz! RaRi was in Texas, Poppi was in Indiana, and Jammie and Grampa were in Canada, whoo what a night! These pictures below were taken the other day when we were talking to Steve and Karen. So much FUN. I love the second one Soley is eating a cracker and talking at the same time.

1 comment:

Mma said...

Isn't Skype a wonderful invention? My friend in ME uses it all the time to converse with her grandchildren in NC. I wish we would have had that when our children were young so that they could have kept up from our home in MA with Granny, etc. in KY. We used to have Amy and PJ make tape recordings for Granny and we gave her a tape player so she could listen to them and send some back to the kids as well. Skype is definitely the way to go! Enjoy your conversations with your grandparents Soley.