How BIG?

 BabyFruit Ticker

Friday, March 25, 2011


So I am a little behind on posting... Sorry. Jon has been super busy with work and so I have less down time. Any who... Soley weighed in at 17 pounds at her 9.5 month appointment, she is in the 60th percentile for height, 15th for head circumference, and 20th for weight. So I think she is going to be tall and skinny! She has both bottom teeth in and her top left is starting to come in, just swollen right now, but any day now. She is such a happy baby, she can say mama and dada, and It sounded like she said nan-na the other day when we were at the grocery store and i handed her the banana's, but she has yet to do that again, so probably a one time thing. Here are some pictures of her in some of her new outfits. I have to say I love BABY GAP!

1 comment:

Mma said...

As always I enjoyed seeing Soley's photos and thanks for the updates on her weight and height.