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 BabyFruit Ticker

Sunday, June 29, 2014


So I came across this on a blog I was reading and wanted to share it. Honestly it does not apply to me as I have always had a heart for adoption but I know many people struggle with the idea of doing it in their own family. I used to get really frustraighted when people would say: adoption is not for us or I don't think I could foster. I would think to my self why not?? These kids need family, good homes and real moms and dad's. But a while back I realized that it would not be good for these children to go to homes where they were not wanted. So instead I now pray that God would change people's minds and hearts for adoption and foster care. As Christians we are called to serve The Lord. Not just the easy once a month or year thing but to really make our life vulnerable and give up everything we have for others. Life is not easy and it's not supposed to be. If your like does not have any bumps, twists or turns in it then you are not being a follower of Christ. I know for us we have started a journey that has led us closer to The Lord then we ever thought possible. I encourage you to find something that compleatly puts your plans and life on hold so that you can serve as Jesus did. There have been times over the last ten months when I said I can't do it...but HE said yes you can. I know the road ahead will be hard if not harder but I know if I have struggles then I have The Lord working in my heart. Everyday I'm looking for something more to do, some days i fail and some I succeed, but my eye is always fixed on The Lord.
What if 10 months ago I would have said no to these two precious babies? 
What will you say yes to this week? Be vulnerable! 

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