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 BabyFruit Ticker

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Gods plan... Not ours...

Well not sure where to start so I will just say it... We are going to soon be a family of 6. I know what your thinking we are taking in another foster baby, well nope. I'm pregnant!!! I know stare at the screen with your mouth open for a while. This was not planned but we are happy. Our life is going to be crazy but that's okay, we like crazy! I already have fallen behind on my blog with three kids so not sure what will happen with four but we will see. 
One positive to be pregnant is that you have 9 months to prepare unlike the 3 hours we had taking in the babies. So I have already been to the OBGYN and she confirmed that those little pee tests work. I'm not a hundred percent sure how far along I am but will have another ultra sound in four weeks and have a better idea then!
Lucky for me again (so far) I am not sick. I was never sick with Soley and I have yet to be sick with this baby. So there you go. I will leave you with this, When the baby is born we will have a 4.5 year old , 2 year old, 18 month old and a new born.  (Hoping we still have the babies then) sounds like we are the most blessed people in the world. Thank you Lord! Please help me to carry a healthy baby and be a good mother to all our sweet children! 

Good luck seeing whatever they are showing us I still can't find it! 


Samantha said...

Oh my gosh, you can't see it? It's the most adorable baby I've ever seen! I think she has Uncle Josh's nose? :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my I certainly hope HE...doesn't have my son's nose or his Poppi's:)...