How BIG?

 BabyFruit Ticker

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Shoe, Shoes, and more Shoes!

Since Soley was a a tiny baby she has loved shoes! I can take her out anywhere and if there is shoes she will sit and try them on for hours! She is always talking about peoples shoes and wanting new shoes! So we went to the mall with my mom this weekend, she needed some new shoes, So Soley tried on all the shoes in the store! Everyone kept stopping and talking to her about how cute she was!

These were my favorite! Would be really cute but I'm way to tall to wear a heal like that!

Jon had to work the entire weekend, poor guy! So went spent almost the entire day at the science center! Soley really enjoyed building a tower on the light table.

Seeing her first IMAX/MOVIE ever! Soley has never seen a movie so this was a treat! Reason being there is no movie out that I have found that kids can watch! They all have such bad stuff in it! Let me know if you know some that are good movies!  The IMAX was about rescued Elephants and Orangoutangs!  It was really cute!

Have a great week!

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