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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Zoo, Painting and Runny Eggs!

Soley playing in the bus at the zoo! We had a amazing time last week at the zoo, we got there at 10 am, and left at 2! Soley had a really good time! I'm excited to go back again, we packed our lunch and ate along the way and it worked out great!

Soley was painting a picture for her daddy to hang outside when he got home to congratulate him on passing his real-estate test! 

Doing preschool, we made these during our craft time and went on a rainforest adventure!

Helping me make dinner, pealing carrots! 

Making runny egg's for breakfast, letting her flip her own egg...

Don't worry we put this one in the trash!

Took this on mothers day in the car, just a reminder of how amazing God is! 

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